Open source projects
Apart from developing personal projects, I also contribute to open source for making these softwares better to use for the community.
AboutCode is a suite of tools to uncover data ... about software
and code:
Where does it come from?
What is its license?
Is it secure, maintained, well coded?
are important questions when there are millions of free and open
source software components available on the web.
I have been contributing to various projects under the organisation since March 2021.
It is an Application that provides pathways and quizzes along with a code editor to help with Data Structures and Algorithms. I’ve contributed to this repository as part of GirlScript Summer of Code.
I have been contributing to various projects under the Algo Phantoms Organization. This experience required me working with several technologies, some of which are Django, JavaScript, ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Python, and C++.
I have been working on this project for the last couple of months. The project includes using Raspberry Pi 4 to create an Audio Spectrum Analyzer through addressable rgb led strips. Using numpy, pyaudio, scipy, and pyqtgraph I made great progress on my project, though it’ll further take a few weeks to complete.